Sunday, July 23, 2006


TODAY'S CARD IS The Two of Swords. This version is from The Wheel of Change Tarot, by Alexandra Genetti:

For comparison, here's The Two of Swords in the Rider/ Waite/ Smith deck:

THE TWO OF SWORDS: I've wanted for some time to post the unusual scissors version of The Two of Swords above. But some other card kept cutting it out of the first spot in the queue. And now, at last, justice prevails. Or at least what's sometimes referred to as the mini-Justice card. :-)


Judgments about self or others; others may be judging your actions.

Don't cut someone off without very careful consideration.

Conforming to keep the peace.

Temporary peace.


Someone may cut you out or off.

Someone may appear to be cutting you off, but they may be simply attempting to balance out their lives at the moment.

Indecisiveness; "Six in one, half a dozen of another."

Enough intellectualizing, give over to your intuition (or vice versa).

Balance between intellect and intuition.

Take your time making the choice; listening to both intellect and intuition.

Rising above conflicts.

Here is the place and the time is now; "X marks the spot."

Don't shut your eyes to the imbalance in this matter in your well-meaning desire to be fair. Sometimes one "side" needs to be backed over the other in order to achieve true equity.


* * * *

Resource: Tarot Symbols, A Brief Guide by Maryl; one way to start learning about the Tarot’s rich symbology.

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep finding peace and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****



Blogger Ginny Clayton said...

I don't think I've every had the pleasure of seeing the Wheel of Change Tarot. I really like that image of the 2 of swords. The Housewives Tarot uses scissors in its sword suit, too, along with kitchen knives and gardening shears. One of my favorites is the Page of Swords, pictured as a young boy "running with scissors." :) The image you posted reminded me of an old proverb that goes something like: "A marriage is like a pair od scissors, often pulling in opposite directions, but woe to they who get in the middle." I also noticed how the scherenschnette (German paper cutting) design in the background illustrates the hard choices one must make, to cut away certain pieces, even a heart or two, results in a final, beautiful work.
Thanks for your blog, it's very informative.

6:01 AM  
Blogger Roswila said...

Hi Sophia,

Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. I'll probably be posting an image or so from The Housewives Tarot, but I've not seen the full deck. I may just have to get it!

I love the old proverb you shared. How "pointed." :-)

I also appreciate the info on the German paper cutting and your sense of its "heartful" meaning.

I'm going to spend some time at your blog. It'll be on my blog roll once I get one up.


12:01 PM  

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