Thursday, November 20, 2014


The above photo of mine has always suggested a lion's open mouth to me. The mundane name I gave it is even "Lion in Waiting" (4-4-13 12427e). So I'm surprised I've not posted it here before as a possible Strength card for The Tarot. For comparison, here's the Strength card in the Rider/Waite/Smith deck:

As usual when posting new Found Tarot cards, I find that doing so today also serves as a reading for me. The issue is not what may be roaring or swallowed up, but how I relate to whatever is going on. As my Found Tarot Strength implies, to put as much distance mentally and emotionally as possible between myself and disturbances/disruptions before reacting. How do I see this in my version? There's no maiden present. She's way out on the open, grassy plains of the veld, waiting to know how and when to respond. And this sort of waiting does require quite a bit of strength of me. I.e. being patient -- not my strong suit -- and gentling the intense emotions that rise while doing so.

* * * *
N.B. A small thing, but just in case: some of the extra reference links offered at the very end of my oldest (years old) posts no longer work. As there are so many posts here to go through I am choosing not to find and change all of those links that are "dead." If you are interested, you can try Googling for the name of the site or article referenced. I've found that some are still around in new locations or incarnations, some not.

'til next time, keep enjoying The Tarot, in whatever ways it comes to you in your life,

[aka: Patricia Kelly]
****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under "View my complete profile")**** SEE ALSO: United Haiku and Tanka Society (UHTS) (charter member); Roswila's Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry; Roswila's Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka); Trying to Hold A Box of Light for digital photos only.



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