I have been thinking about and visualizing the amazing High Priestess (II, posted at the end of this reading) in this deck for some time now and not quite taking the time to figure out why. Then today I decided to do a reading with the full deck. I asked as I shuffled: "What do I most need to pay attention to as I make this difficult transition out of an intimate relationship?" and then pulled one card at random:
What hit me immediately was that she's pregnant, i.e. big in the belly and how just this morning I noted that my recent food bingeing is beginning to show a bit in my stomach (the first place I gain and the first place I lose weight). Then I noted that it's the Ace of Swords, which is to me primarily a card of the mind, especially of thinking ... thinking ... thinking. I hear that I need to watch very carefully how I think about myself in order to continue on my path toward a healthier body, especially as it has been and will be greatly effecting my will to eat and exercise as I truly want and need to. My Spirit has been getting bloated with thoughts of fear and anger and disappointment (in myself, in him, in the relationship) as I have been going through this breakup.
Then I checked with the accompanying little white book ("LWB") about the Ace of Swords: "Plans that take a long time to actuate are often the most reliable." This is not a meaning I have come across for this card before. But it seems right for me at this time. Actually at any time of change for me as I tend to become very impatient, rooted in anxiety. Maybe if I hold the idea in my mind that I'm pregnant with something new I can be more patient. What is intriguing to me is that images of pregnancy have been showing up in my life recently, so I think this is quite appropriate. E.g., I just this morning -- hours before doing this reading -- wrote this scifaiku (haiku-like poem with a sci-fi or fantasy theme):
this pregnant Empress
on Her Tarot card
I just hope the birth is a gentle one, given how traumatic the pregnancy has been, at least so far. (BTW, that's said only half jokingly.)
I then felt urged to take a look at The Empress (III) in this deck:
The LWB says about Her: "Our image, when reflected, never corresponds to reality. If we only look in the mirror, we lose all contact with reality." Wow. The mirror of this relationship is accurate only to a certain degree, it has its distortions. I need to keep this in mind along with that idea of being pregnant. However, in a way it's the relationship that is the womb from which a newer me will emerge. I say "newer" rather then "new" because I believe we are never finished; ideally we are always changing and growing.
I'll close with The High Priestess (II) I referred to at the start of this post:
I immediately see those heavy horns of thought as resting on those pillars -- in the Qabala, the pillars of mercy and severity. As if, within the compass of intuition, even the heaviest contradictions and conflicts can be borne up. I see Her now as pointing to the path of inner vision, inner sensing, of feeling one's way along. Yes, I've spent far too much time (almost literally) lost in heavy, heavy thought during the vast majority of time in this relationship. It's past time to go home and curl up with supportive intuition, nurturing myself as I explore inwardly and await (yet another :-D) rebirth.
‘til next time, keep honoring your intuition and enjoying The Tarot,

[aka: Patricia Kelly]
****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry; Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka); and Yahoo DREAMJIN: Group for Dreamku – Haiku-Like Dream Poems.****
I like your interpretations and your vision for the things!
Hi Vampiria,
Thanks for visiting and commenting.
I checked out your site. Is that Russian cyryllic? It's certainly an intriguing looking site.
It is rather interesting for me to read this article. Thank you for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I would like to read a bit more soon.
Hi Anonymous, glad you found your visit interesting. Tarot is a rich area of inquiry and study.
Keep on posting such themes. I like to read stories like this. Just add more pics :)
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