Friday, August 31, 2007



"Choices, choices...," The Seven of Cups in the Rider/Waite/Smith Tarot

This is a little departure from my usual posts here, but it's such a good idea I'm going with it. Scuffyhippo (of scruffyhippo's blog, see below) let me know that today is BLOG DAY 2007, in which we bloggers post five of our most favorite blogs. I visit these five below just about every day:

Amazing resource for any Tarotphile, such as myself; basically, all things Tarot can and do show up here, via it's several contributing editors.

A weekly prompt is posted for writing a haiku (haiga, tanka, other small forms welcome, too); you send them the permanent link for your posted response, and they post the link from each responder to their blog. I participate every week (see my dreams and poetry blog). There are also many good links to related sites here.

This is a group blog, to which all who sign up can post and comment (haiga, tanka, etc. are also welcome). It just closed to new haiku today as it's summer's end, but leave a comment if you want to be notified of the fall blog (i.e., each year there are 4 group blogs, one for each season). However, you can still read all of the posts here on Summer Haiku 2007.

A new blog by a wonderful writer and thinker. You might want to also visit his web site. He’s recently started a copy writing business (link on his web site) and I’d hire him myself.

And last, but most certainly not least, scruffyhippo, who told me about BLOG DAY 2007. Wide ranging posts on all things esoteric. I always find something to comment on at great length. LOL!

If you visit, say "Patricia (a/k/a Roswila)" sent you. :-)

* * * *

‘til next time, keep on blogging, and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under "View my complete profile")**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry and Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka).****



Blogger Scruffyhippo said...

Thankyou Roswila< but I can't take the credit for the blog day 2007, it's an international blog day (see link) but thankyou for including me in your list.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Scruffyhippo said...

Thankyou for including me on your list roswila and the honour is all mine, ever since I found your blog back at the beginning of the year, I have found it compulsive reading, I may not always comment but thanks to you have learnt much from your take on the cards, as a wise person once said "if someone thinks they know all about a subject then they no nothing".
This is so true, you never really stop learning.

9:30 AM  
Blogger Roswila said...

I've corrected my text to reflect International Blog day and put up the logo, too.

I'm delighted you appreciate what I put up on this blog. It's a constant learning process for me.
Yes, I think my only true wisdom is that I do not know much of anything. Just enough to keep me curious to learn more. :-)

In this vein, you might like to see my Taiga Tarot design for The Knight of Wands. (Link is at bottom of this post)

9:45 AM  

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