THE THREE OF PENTACLES in The Red Sunlight Tarot on Roswila's Birthday

Today’s my birthday. In the Tarot there are various cards we can determine to be our “family” of cards by our birth date, astrology sign, and so on. The card I tend to most identify with as representing me in my Tarot family of cards is the Three of Pentacles, which covers my birth date of January 4. (Some of the other cards in my family: The Hierophant, Temperance, The Devil. Click here to go to the post here on my last birthday, with the entire family of cards from the quirky Terrestrial Tarot.)
The above version of the Three of Pentacles is rather surreal and maybe that's why I’ve always been drawn to it. There’s something playful about it, too, maybe a child playing with building blocks. And that face sort of radiates like a sun. Though it does seem to be paying attention to something other than the building blocks. Hm, maybe that’s one way to see this particular card. Our sub- or unconscious is always building and creating, no matter where we have turned our conscious attention. And The Tarot and our night dreams, e.g., help us draw those creative efforts into consciousness.
In addition, that sun/face seems very calm and beneficent. Maybe it is also High Self watching over our lives through us. Now if that doesn’t sound strange, I don’t know what would. But that’s my mood as I turn 64 and come ever closer to moving cross country to California – where I’ll be building a new life. I.e., I hope that High Self is watching beneficently over me. And that leads right to the more traditional images on this card of a stonemason working under the supervision of what are sometimes said to be The Fool and The Hierophant. For example, here’s The Three of Pentacles in the Rider/Waite/Smith deck:

And lastly, here’s two links at which you can learn how to determine some of your own Tarot cards:
Birthcards-Tarot School
Calculator-Tarot School
‘til next time, keep enjoying The Tarot,
[aka: Patricia Kelly]
****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry and Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka).****
Happy Birthday, dear one!
Thanks, oino. And I actually feel like a grownup -- I ordered my first cell phone today. :-)
Happy birthday Roswila! I wish you a beautiful journey to (and new life in) California!!
I also really loved your interpretation of this beautiful card.
♥ Kiki
Hi Tarot Dame,
Just visited your site and left a couple of comments. Once settled in CA I hope to visit more often --I always enjoy my visit -- and I've made a note to add a link to your Tarot blog here.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, I can really use them. It's one of the many rough days I'm having as I prepare for the move to CA. But I "keep on trekkin'" as the joy of where I'm going always reasserts itself. :-D
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Sorry to hear yesterday was a rough day for you. Hopefully you'll be in a more peaceful place soon. When will you finally be in CA?
Hi Tarot Dame,
I fly from New York to CA on February 6th. In some ways it seems like I have forever yet to go, and in others like there's no time left to get all done that I must. LOL! No pleasing me, is there?
Yesterday wound up being a lot of fun. I spent the entire evening with a dear friend watching 20 year old videos of poetry showcases I put together with other poets (and dancers and musicians) and performed in. I ultimately felt like I'd been looking at the past efforts of my stonemason self's work -- as on the RWS Three of Pentacles. :-)
Ah, yes, "so close, and yet so far"! :)
Wow, that sounds like a perfectly lovely way to spend the evening!! :)
Really interesting blog! I plan to check it often.
Happy Birthday (belated) and good luck with the move!
Anne Cooper
Hi Anne,
Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit and I hope you equally enjoy future ones. Posts may become a little sparse for a few weeks as my move to CA comes closer. But there's all the previous posts to read through.... :-) And I will always be checking comments and emails, even if not making new posts until I'm settled in in my new home in California.
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