Sunday, December 02, 2007

THE LUGGAGE (The Chariot) in The Discworld Tarot

The Luggage (The Chariot, VII) in The Discworld Tarot

OK, so I said to myself "Self? It's time to do a Tarot blog post..." and the number 12 popped into my mind. Yeah, I know this card is numbered seven. But as blitzed as I am by all the packing and tossing preparing for my California move, I looked through all the stored computer images I have for XII, looking at all Tarot images numbered VII instead, and didn't even realize it until I went to do this post. Go figure! Actually, The Chariot preceded by a vague reference to The Hanged Man makes sense. I will be suspended for the next two months, neither really here, nor really in my new cross country home. But my focus does need to be on moving, on "getting my act together and taking it on the road."

At any rate, I could not resist posting this card today. It may not make much sense (other than being about travel) to anyone not familiar with Terry Pratchett's fabulous Discworld book series. The Luggage is sentient/magical, and a hoot! (See link below under "Resource" for a Terry Pratchett site.) I'm finding as I sort through objects and reduce their numbers to fit them into a studio, that they are becoming almost sentient. They are most certainly energized by memory and emotion. And I must admit I do wish the ones I cannot take with me would simply sprout feet like the ones on the card above, and waltz happily off into the sunset. I have so much stuff to find new homes for! A late in life lesson in living simply.

* * * *

Resource: A Terry Pratchett/Discworld Site, may take quite some time to load; it's massively resourceful.

‘til next time, keep enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry and Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka).****

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