Saturday, May 03, 2014


Some time ago I said I'd put up more of my favorite images from The Circle of Life Tarot. At last I've got the time to do so. The bigger part of the work and also enjoyment in preparing for this post was actually choosing a pile of favorites. However, I did not like having to winnow them down to just these five. I consoled myself with the knowledge that I can always do another post with some of those others at a later date. I'm going to forego any comments on these cards and just let you see in them what you will. I'm fairly certain, though, that you'll find them ranging from fun to highly suggestive and intriguing. (Especially for those already familiar with a variety of Tarot images.)

The first image above at the top of this post is The High Priestess (II).

This next below is the Nine of Cups:

And one following is the Two of Pentacles:

The King of Cups is below:

And last is the Two of Swords:

Hope you've enjoyed this little sample of the endlessly imaginative and wise Circle of Life Tarot.

* * * *
'til next time, keep enjoying The Tarot, in whatever ways it comes to you in your life,

[aka: Patricia Kelly]
****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under "View my complete profile")**** SEE ALSO: United Haiku and Tanka Society (UHTS) (charter member); Roswila's Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry; Roswila's Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka); Trying to Hold A Box of Light for digital photos only.
