Thursday, January 04, 2007


Yes, today's my 63rd birthday, about which I have extremely mixed feelings. Patricia says I'm at least this old, but Roswila feels ageless...well, on good days, that is. :-D

To celebrate that I have made it this far, I bought myself Volume Four of Stuart Kaplan's Encyclopedia of the Tarot,* which I have been lusting after since it came out in 2005. I could only now afford it because I recently got a second place prize award in a poetry contest. Of course the old lady in me kept saying I should put the money in my savings. But Roswila and Patricia won out, and I'm now the proud and happy possessor of Volume IV (by the way, I also have the first three volumes). I spent two days wandering through the over 700 page Volume IV and it has sticky notes flapping off page after page! (I just realized that the poem that got that award is about the death of the dear friend who introduced me originally to The Tarot. So she has gifted me again. Thank you, Brenda.)

Back to today's post. Below are all of my "family" of cards in the Tarot as determined by various means, such as astrology and numerology. I've chosen to use cards only from the Terrestrial Tarot* because it is so unusual, and because it makes me laugh and puzzle over it, both of which responses are refreshing. I'll review it at greater length in a future post. It's a trippy deck, but intriguing. You will note that six of the eight cards are green, the color in this deck for Earth/Pentacles. The two yellow cards are Air/Swords. (Wands/Fire in this deck are red, and Cups/Water are blue.)

CARD ON LEFT: III Birth of Form/Earth-Coins (Three of Pentacles); click here to read my previous post on this card.

CARD ON RIGHT: IV Order/Earth-Coins (Four of Pentacles); click here to read my previous post on this card.

CARD ON THE LEFT: V The Priest (V The Hierophant/The High Priest); click here to read my previous post on this card.

CARD ON THE RIGHT: XIV Balance (XIV Temperance); click here to read my previous post on this card.

CARD ON LEFT: Queen of Coins/Earth-Coins (Queen of Pentacles); click here to read my previous post on this card.

CARD ON RIGHT: XV The Unknown (XV The Devil); click here to read my previous post on this card.

CARD ON THE LEFT: I Knowing/Air-Swords (The Ace of Swords); click here for my previous post on this card.

CARD ON THE RIGHT: Page of Swords/Air-Swords (The Page of Swords); I will address this card in my usual manner in a future post. Suffice it for now that this card can (among many other things) represent someone with an unusually difficult childhood who ultimately heals, and moves on.

So that's the end of the trip through my Tarot family. Hope you enjoyed meeting them all.

*Both Volume IV of the Encyclopedia of the Tarot, and the Terrestrial Tarot, by Ara Gerhardt and Ad Zeeuwen, are published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA.

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Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep celebrating your own birthdays and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****

Monday, January 01, 2007


The World Tree from The Sacred Circle Tarot, one of my favorite versions of The World (XXI) card, given my love of trees.

The World from The Gothic Tarot of Vampires; I'll be reviewing this LoScarabeo deck here very soon.

The World from The Afro-Brazilian Tarot; I'll also be reviewing this LoScarabeo deck here in the future.

The Virgin from The New Tarot for the Aquarian Age (a/k/a The Reverse Tarot).

The World from The Manga Tarot (LoScarabeo).

The World from The Tarot of the Cat People.

Unity from The Terrestrial Tarot; I'll do a mini-review of this unusual deck very soon, and post some other images from it.

The World from The Gipsy Tarot.

I'll address The World (XXI) in my usual way in a future post. I'm just using all these versions of it today as my New Year's best wishes to you all, as it is (among so much more) a card of beginnings and endings.

[All cards are scanned in from my personal collection of decks.]

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Resource: A Tarot Origin Myth, a wonderful story which as stories often do, enlightens its subject.

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, may the New Year bring peace to our world; health, happiness, and prosperity to us all; and more Tarots to enjoy!


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****