Saturday, March 31, 2007


TODAY'S CARD IS The Lovers (VI). This version is from The Native American Tarot by Laura Tuan and Sergio Tisselli (published by LoScarabeo):

For comparison, here's The Lovers in the Rider/Waite/Smith deck:

THE LOVERS: in this beautiful Native American Tarot (there is at least one other, older Native American Tarot deck) is rather unusual. But a little online research helped me understand it's mythology and, in so doing, it expanded my sense of The Lovers as a card in general. The standing figure is said to be a Goddess who is encouraging romance that will lead to new life. The other two figures are twins who create and nourish all the earth's forms. (One reviewer noted that their being twins means they cannot be lovers. However, it is not unheard of in mythology that siblings are lovers.) As I thought on this I recalled that one of the main meanings for VI is "choice." So I hear that we, all the sisters and brothers of the earth, are entrusted with the choice to help create and nurture all our planet's forms, including each other. I also recalled the psychologist Jung's idea that twins in a dream represent something new about to emerge in the psyche, and this would certainly fit with making the choice to be creative and/or nurturing of new life, in some form.

DIFFERENT OR LESS COMMON, EVEN QUIRKY MEANINGS FOR THE LOVERS (i.e. the below is not intended to be an exhaustive exploration of this card; a quick google will produce a wider variety of takes should you not be familiar with this card):

Fear of making a choice because you might succeed; you would rather stay in an uncommitted place.

Not choosing because you want the best of both worlds. Therefore, causing anxiety and disruption for both yourself and others.

A time that is very trying, as if you are being tested.

Another's choices/issues may offer you something you need to hear, especially if they upset you unreasonably or turn you off inexplicably.

A tendency to over-involve yourself emotionally in others' life choices/issues.

An intensely empathic person; a situation that requires deep empathy.

This choice you have made is only the first of many; it is not an ending of anything, but a beginning.

This relationship or way of understanding another or yourself can be a haven for now.

Inner sense of completion and harmony; all the pieces seem to have clicked into place.

And lastly, a more usual intepretation of VI: can refer to a romance or a wedding.

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Resource: Tarot Deck Collection on Passages, with reviews and sample images.

‘til next time, keep creating and nurturing, and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry and Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka).****

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Thursday, March 29, 2007


The Aeon [Judgment] in The Thoth Tarot

shaft of sun....The Aeon shimmers

There's a slightly glossy poster of The Aeon on my living room wall. As I was typing in a comment to a post on The Tarot Channel (see link in sidebar), I happened to glance up and see the light playing off the poster. I tend to think of Crowley's reworking of Judgment to reference a "new age," more personal though than "New Agey." It felt like this sun-shimmered Aeon is a positive image for me to hold in mind during this extremely stressful time of my life, as it changes again both inwardly and outwardly. What a lot to say about a one-line eight syllable haiku! :-)

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Resource: Marlene Mountain is known for her fabulous one-line haiku.

‘til next time, keep enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry and Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka).****

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007


TODAY'S CARD IS The King of Cups. This version is from The Stone Tarot by Alison Stone (visit the link to see a few other cards from this strong and very colorful deck):

For comparison, here's The King of Cups in the Rider/ Waite/ Smith deck:

THE KING OF CUPS: in the Stone Tarot above looks very much to me like the King of Cups in his more negative aspect(s). Way too brooding and intense, the overly sensitive "artiste." Actually, I have identified with those aspects of this card so much over the years that he usually shows up in my readings for myself only in those capacities. Of course, this then raises an interesting issue: Does one become set on particular meanings for a card, or does that card actually mean those things, time and again, when it shows up in readings? I am always aware of that former possibility of habitual responses to the cards, which is one of the reasons I so like working with new decks. They shake up my understandings and let in fresh air. And that is just what, IMHO, The King of Cups above in The Stone Tarot appears to need.

DIFFERENT OR LESS COMMON, EVEN QUIRKY MEANINGS FOR THE KING OF CUPS: (i.e. the below is not intended to be an exhaustive exploration of this card; a quick google will produce a wider variety of takes should you not be familiar with this card):

Possible addiction issues, especially alcohol.

Can be a very shady character. His stormy aspect may be camouflage for dishonesty and manipulation.

Out of emotional control, or about to be. In dire need of emotional balance. Conversely, so controlled as to be like a "black hole," draining others' energies.

Don't confuse thought and emotions. Know also that what you think can determine what you feel.

Well-meaning and empathic, but not necessarily very effective.

It may be time to fully attend to your creative ideas, to take care of them with concrete action so that they may manifest.

A tremendously creative and capable nature, that supports the efforts of others.

Can sometimes indicate a romantic partner or relationship.

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Resource: The Glastonbury Tarot, another brightly colored deck.

‘til next time, keep keep balancing thought and emotion, and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry and Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka).****

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Sunday, March 25, 2007


As some of you may know, I have begun designing a Tarot deck, The Taiga Tarot - very briefly put, taiga are illustrated tanka poems. I've been posting the designs, along with background on them and any revisions, to this blog. However, the designs are being posted in and amongst all the other sorts of posts I make here and I wanted to share them in a more readily accessible fashion. So I've begun a third blog, Roswila's Taiga Tarot to which I have transferred all posts about The Taiga Tarot. I will no longer post here about the Taiga Tarot.

Oh, and if you want to know what the three tiger kittens above are about visit Roswila's Taiga Tarot. :-D

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Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry and Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka).****

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