Thursday, August 09, 2007

THE PAGE OF WANDS REDUX II (With a Mini-Review of The Voyager Tarot)

I'm going to be doing a fourteen day Tarot ritual starting under the New Moon this Sunday, August 12th, utilizing the wands of The Voyager Tarot. In separating the wands from the rest of the deck in preparation tonight I was delightfully reminded that the Page of Wands is just about my most favorite card in this gorgeous deck. So I thought I'd share it here:

The Child (Page) of Wands (titled Seeker), Voyager Tarot
Jim Wanless, symbolist and Ken Knutson, artist

I love the quiet delicacy of this design, the hush of watching and listening. Notice the light shining through the rabbit's and mouse's ears (upper and lower left, respectively). Traditionally, the Page of Wands (as are all pages) is a messenger. Here it is seeking messages, receptive to them. The overall effect for me is of an awe-filled waiting. It is not surprising that The Tarot would have brought this card to me during this time in which I am filled with lamenting and questioning. Reminding me that to question ultimately requires us to watch and listen, quietly and reverently.

[To read my previous posts on The Page of Wands, click here and click here.]

A happy coincidence -- When I checked out The Voyager Tarot site tonight and clicked on the "card for the day" it was The Three of Wands, another one of my "just about ... most favorite" cards in this deck. That central hand is from a statue of Kuan Yin. The card is called "Compassion" in this deck. A wonderful take on a card often seen to be about new enterprises/business matters.

MINI-REVIEW OF THE VOYAGER TAROT: This is an absolutely stunning collage deck, produced on good size, great quality card stock. There are a few designs (as with every deck :-D) that I do not particularly like or agree with, but they make sense within Tarot and are beautifully executed. Ultimately, though, it is such a stunning deck that I cannot do Tarot readings with it! I find myself lost in the art itself. However, I have always found it the perfect deck to do meditative or ritual work with, as I will be doing starting this Sunday. In short, it is a deck that has not ever "gathered dust" in my collection, even though I've had it since the middle 1980's when it first came out.

* * * *

‘til next time, keep watching and listening in awe for the answers you seek, and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry and Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka).****

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

YIN & YANG (Tarot/dream-based Poem)



In the dream I look up at you
from The Queen of Swords card
and quote this lonely lady
as she speaks to me:

We are more than what
we see and feel


In the subway the stranger and I
are silent but connected
by the riotous sunset that greets
us as the train curves into Queens:

We are more than what
we hear and say

by Patricia Kelly, 1993

Image: The Queens of Swords by jmd from the's second Tarot project.

* * * *

‘til next time, keep knowing there is more than we believe we know, and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for Tarot poetry and Roswila’s Taiga Tarot for taiga (illustrated tanka).****

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