Saturday, December 30, 2006


The Page of Wands, The Gendron Tarot, by Melanie Gendron

I've already done my usual post on the Page of Wands (click here to read it and the meanings I offer). But in going through The Gendron Tarot when I did my recent Star card post (click here for that post that also has a mini-review of The Gendron Tarot) I rediscovered my favorite card in that deck. And it feels particularly appropriate to this time of year when mystery and magic seem to abound, along with winter beauty.

For comparison, here's The Page of Wands in the Rider/Waite/Smith deck:

The Gendron version above offered me the following "new" meaning for The Page of Wands:

Just being open to the possibility of beauty (as in that sense of awe) in our lives changes our orientation to other messages and insights; helps us be more open and receptive to Spirit.

* * * *

Resource: more Gendron Tarot images on

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep being receptive to beauty and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****


Wednesday, December 27, 2006


The Four of Disks (Pentacles) in the Thoth Tarot*

Dream at the end of an evening of many dreams
December 13, 2006

we can't quite read
the new Tarot card designs
shuttered cottage

card of pentacles:
down-growing desert plant
rocks and moonlight

surge of light
the Four of Pentacles
right side up

* * * *

The Thoth deck's Four of Disks (Pentacles) was not the card I saw in the dream. But it was the one I immediately saw on waking and recalling the dream. As to why the Four of Pentacles? I can think of many reasons. Briefly, the astrology sign Capricorn is often attributed to this card, which I am, and it is after my birthday in early January that I usually find S.A.D. (Seasonal Affect Disorder) beginning to lift. I begin to feel more empowered then, too (the card is called power in The Thoth deck). There were other aspects to the dream that I have not written haiku for. But, they, too, had to do with reclaiming energy and light. "Light" I take to mean the ability to see things more clearly and in their correct orientation (not upside down :-D), which I have not been feeling I am doing very well since fall and S.A.D. arrived. All in all, a very hopeful dream after an evening of other deep and tumultuous dreams.

* I recently had an inquiry as to what I think of the designer of The Thoth Tarot, Aleister Crowley. For those who might not know, there is a controversy as to whether he was the incarnation of evil, or the best thing to happen to Tarot (and magick) since sliced bread. I personally feel after reading years ago from both perspectives that he was a tremendously free thinker who enjoyed pushing rigid thinkers' buttons and also loved his "bad boy" reputation, even playing with it deliberately. This is not to say that I like or respect Crowley or his work. I simply really like the deck he was instrumental in designing. However, I can no more prove my feelings about him than anyone else can prove their positions.

I will also say that I had alreay studied with The Thoth deck at great length (and other decks as well) before I ever learned of this controversy surrounding Crowley. And for a brief time I was concerned, being aware as I am of the effect images we hold in our minds can and do have on us. But I quickly realized this deck had done nothing but enrich my relationship to the Tarot as a whole. Not to mention that I tend to give the actual artist of a deck the lion's share of the credit for any deck. IMHO, Lady Frieda Harris's artwork on The Thoth deck is stunning. Ultimately that is what sticks for me with any deck -- the artwork itself, as disitinct from any accompanying book, or influencing designer, philosophy, or system.

However, I will hasten to add if someone is uncomfortable working with any deck, for any reason, I would encourage them to honor that hesitation. There are a couple of decks I have but do not work with because of hesitations I have about them. So let me stress that my comments here are not to encourage anyone with negative or hesitant feelings about The Thoth deck to use it, but only to make clear my position on the Crowley controversy.

* * * *

Resource: Tarot Affirmations, Tarot & Dreams Articles.

‘til next time, keep dreaming and enjoying the Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing or poems, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)****My other blog: ROSWILA’S DREAM & POETRY REALM.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


TODAY'S CARD IS The Sun (XIX). This version is from The Haindl Tarot.

For comparison, here's The Sun in the Rider/Waite/Smith deck:

THE SUN: The Haindl Tarot was a gift from a friend. It's not a deck I have ever gotten "next to" but since it was a gift, I treasure it. I can also see why so many really appreciate it. The Tarot images are often unusual and the art work is unique and striking (see the link above for more images from this deck). However it may be, I chose The Sun in this deck today because I love roses, especially red ones. The Sun card in general is the third and last of the "Three Luminaries" in The Tarot. (See my two previous posts for The Moon and The Star, the other two of the luminaries.) I think it is a truly appropriate card to post during this season filled with holidays about the return of light/Light.

DIFFERENT OR LESS COMMON, EVEN QUIRKY MEANINGS FOR THE SUN: (i.e. the below is not intended to be an exhaustive exploration of this card; a quick google will produce a wider variety of takes should you not be familiar with this card):

Most unfortunately, I have seen this card represent someone who was abused in childhood.

Someone who is not seeing clearly at all, though they believe they are. Maybe a fantatic who has been "blinded by the light."

A tendency to day dream only. Some concrete action is necessary now.

It may be time to take a rest from intellectual pursuits. To get out of the bright light and rest in the more intuitive realm.

Time for complete honesty, with yourself and/or with others.

Are you taking on too much and about to "go nova"? If you can, put down some of your burdens and take a breather. If you can't do this, try to find some "cooling shade" in others' support.

Can represent that Greater Consciousness from which our intuitive abilities gain their information.

You are in, or headed for, a time of great mental clarity, insight and/or wisdom. Enjoy it while it lasts. :-)

This card sometimes has a very social aspect to it. Large social groups at their best, doing their best work as long as they are able to. (The sun does set and clinging to what once produced good works is counter-productive.)

The healthy human desire to shine in someone else's eyes. I.e., a need for nurturing attention.

It is rare we really see our own light. So let others know what they illumine for you, how they nourish and support you. Find the sun in everyone.

This card can represent that part of ourselves that is able to connect in love with the soul's of others. (It can be a card of weddings and other big celebrations.)

And lastly, I quote from "The Book of Runes," by Ralph Blum (published by St. Martin's Press, NY 1982), from the section on the rune "Sowelu," wholeness, life forces, and the Sun's energy:

You who are the source of all power
Whose rays illuminate the whole world
Illuminate also my heart
So that it too can do your work

* * * *

Resource: The Runes, a basic chart on the runes (an ancient alphabet) and their meanings. I find the Runes nicely complement The Tarot. However, they are a wonderful system all on their own.

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep finding and acknowledging the Sun in each other, and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****
