Friday, July 14, 2006


TODAY'S CARD IS The Page of Pentacles. This charming version is by Love Beth Drew:

For comparison, here's The Page of Pentacles in the Rider/ Waite/ Smith deck:

THE PAGE OF PENTACLES: Many years ago I had a reading by a psychic Tarot reader. He said that this Page in the position it was in indicated a "certain adolescence" that was not the best quality for me to encourage in myself. At the time this made sense within the reading as a whole, though I had to chew it over after the reading to come to that (:-D). To this day, whenever I see The Page of Pentacles I remember his comment. Only now I am thankful to have a "certain adolescence." At 62, I welcome this youth's presence in my inner community.


Pages in general: can indicate that energy has begun to unblock, or readjust, or move again. (The suit and placement of the Page should help identify what sort of energy.)

Don't let yourself be undermined by the essentially immature or simply inexperienced attitude or advice of someone around you.

Moodiness; stubbornness.

Can indicate an adolescent way of thinking/responding/acting.

Coming to conclusions too quickly without all the information.

This is it. There won't be any more to this situation. "That's all she wrote."

Learning how to limit one's behaviors to fit the situation.

Someone from your young adult or teen years may surface, for good or for ill.

A younger person has something important to teach you, if only by example.

You are in the process of learning about this issue. Give it time. You will know what to do soon enough.

Slow down. Take joy again in learning, which for children is often indistinguishable from play.

* * * *

Resource: Excerpt from "The Symbolism of The Tarot", by P.D. Ouspensky, the Russian occultist (1878-1947).

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep learning with delight and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****


Wednesday, July 12, 2006


TODAY'S CARD IS The Five of Swords. This version is from The Ferret Tarot, by Elaine Moertl:

For comparison, here's The Five of Swords in the Rider/ Waite/ Smith deck:

THE FIVE OF SWORDS: I just got out of my "gibbous moon crazies" and thought I'd go for a little bit of humor with The Five of Swords from The Ferret Tarot above. It's drawing is a fun way to represent that sort of childish defiant attitude that is definitely one of the traditional readings for this card.

After I drafted this post, I happened to look at my daily appointment book in which I have a Tarot card entered for each day (from a reading I do regularly that uses the entire deck). The card for today? The Five of Swords. I don't claim this is anything remarkable as I may have unconsciously remembered this. However, one of the great gifts of the Tarot, IMHO, is based in just this sort of helping us to recall ourselves, to nudge us toward home.


I find that fives in general in the Tarot have a sense of "separating one's self from the herd." E.g., during times of emotional and psychological growth, especially in the sword and pentacle fives.

Fear that history may repeat itself.

Can represent someone who's hard to get along with.

An attitude of "get them before they get you."

Envy: one's own, or the effects of others' envy of you on you.

Time to gather your resources (similar to The Ten of Wands).

In a transition: learning to let go of somethings, yet still clinging to others.

Help is being offered. Trust it, stop fighting it off.

Stop wasting your time and energy holding back, and get moving.

The only thing missing for things to change is your full participation.

Reclaiming aspects of self one has projected on to others, or buried under projections from others on to you.

Learning to work with others again.

Learning from others' mistakes; "taking a page from someone else's book."

Reclaiming, or a need to reclaim one's energies from relationships or projects that no longer nourish; reclaiming aspects of self.

Making an idea your own by working creatively with it.

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Resource: Tibetan Book of the Dead and The Major Arcana by Cheryl Lynne Bradley. Decades back when I was first studying the Tarot, I also read a Jungian take on The Tibetan Book of the Dead and was struck by resemblances to various cards in The Tarot. So when I recently ran across this article I was delighted.

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep reclaiming who you are and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****


Sunday, July 09, 2006


TODAY'S CARD is The Knight of Cups. This version is from The Dragon Tarot, author Nigel Suckling and artists Roger and Linda Garland:

For comparison, here's The Knight of Cups in the Rider/ Waite/ Smith deck:

THE KNIGHT OF CUPS: I ran across the above mentioned Dragon Tarot online yesterday, and having a long and loving history with dragons I was charmed by it. (See ON DRAGONS, WITH THREE DRAGON DREAMS, the June 28, 2006 post to my dreams and poetry blog, link at bottom of this email.) I've also recently received a series of little surprise gifts from friends so when deciding on the card for today I was drawn to The Knight of Cups.


Knights in general: something getting into motion; if so, Knight of Pentacles usually slowly, Knight of Cups a bit more quickly, Knight of Swords more quickly yet, and Knight of Wands which might say "Do it now before the energy is gone, catch the wave."

Accept what others offer; don't minimize their praise or gifts.

Something is not as good as it looks; if it seems to good to be true it probably is.

Though rarely, I have seen a "Trojan Horse" aspect in this card. There may be unexpressed motives on the part of the giver (whether someone else or yourself).

Although there may be no deliberate deception involved in the giving, the situation is emotionally charged and can be setting up mis-understandings.

A surpise gift may be coming your way.

Follow any impulse right now to be exceptionally generous. It is coming from Spirit.

* * * *

Resource: Source of the Waite/Smith Tarot Symbols, charts showing the deck sources for various symbols in the Major Arcana of the Rider/Waite/Smith deck; at the end are a few more Tarot history links.

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep giving generously and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****
