Friday, August 11, 2006


TODAY'S CARD is The Tower (XVI). This version is from Kate's Kingdom Tarot Gallery:

For comparison, here's The Tower in the Rider/ Waite/ Smith deck:

THE TOWER (XVI): This card was a haunt in my readings for months prior to the Twin Towers disaster of 9/11 here in New York City (as were pairs, i.e., "twins," of card numbers). The Tower was very applicable in my personal life then. However, that does not mean it was not also foreshadowing the events of 9/11. And after choosing to write about this card for today's post on August 9th, then waking on August 10th to news of a huge failed terrorist airplane bombing plot, I'm even more inclined to believe that XVI has unfortunately taken on a possible collective meaning of global terrorism. Kate's version of The Tower put me in mind of the below scifaiku (sci-fi and fantasy form based on haiku) I wrote recently. The image I saw in my mind was painfully beautiful, but also carried hope. One of the positive meanings for XVI is of a lighthouse -- illumination, enlightenment -- and in this scifaiku the lighthouse still stands:

nuclear spring
an ancient lighthouse points
to the shattered moon*

DIFFERENT OR LESS COMMON, EVEN QUIRKY MEANINGS FOR THE TOWER CARD (XVI) (i.e. the below is not intended to be an exhaustive exploration of this card; a quick google will produce a wider variety of takes should you not be familiar with this card):

A "healing crisis;" or "de-toxing" as when dieting.

Headaches (especially migraines).

Heat wave.

Wishing for something to break you out of a situation or emotional state. But be careful what you wish for, you may just get it. It might be better to be pro-active and take steps to get out "on your own."

"Bingo!" You've finally got it. You finally understand; stop trying to deny it or wiggle out of it.

Lots of smoke and mirrors, dust and noise! But it's not at all what it appears to be. Relax. All will become clear soon.

Suprise! ...and not always a bad one.

Intense interactions via electronic media (email, chat room, cell phone, etc.).

Lighthouse, e.g. illumination or enlightenment.

* * * *

* I wrote this scifaiku days before I saw the ad for or read about the new T.V. show ("Three Moons Over Milford") about the effects on a small town of the moon broken into three pieces. It was some surprise to see the shattered moon in that ad!

Resource: Wicce's Tarot FAQs, nice coverage of commonly asked questions about The Tarot on a major Tarot site.

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep seeking the light, and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****


Wednesday, August 09, 2006


TODAY'S CARD is The Three of Wands. This version is from the delightful Language of Flowers Tarot:

For comparison, here's The Three of Wands in the Rider/ Waite/ Smith deck:

THE THREE OF WANDS: When I stumbled upon the Language of the Flowers Tarot online I was delighted. I have loved plants since I can remember. Many of my fondest childhood memories involve plants and flowers, several of which are in the Language of the Flowers Tarot. As for the Three of Wands being attributed to "Pine," one of my earliest memories is of the smell, sound and feel of a pine needle "carpet" as I lolled around on it. I also remember being fascinated by iridescent drops of rain dangling from pine needles, and my favorite paperweight these days is a large pine cone. Like the figure on the Rider/ Waite/ Smith Three of Wands I stand briefly in now bearing my memories, ready to move on into the future with each new step.

DIFFERENT OR LESS COMMON, EVEN QUIRKY MEANINGS FOR THE THREE OF WANDS (i.e. the below is not intended to be an exhaustive exploration of this card; a quick google will produce a wider variety of takes should you not be familiar with this card):

Negatively aspected, an obsession with what "could" or "should" be.

The ground you are on is too familiar; time to take a risk.

Are you trying to blame someone/something else for this situation?

You may have been on this fence so long because you sense your efforts and skills would be wasted in the effort.

Keep focussed on here and now; looking ahead right now will be either confusing or inaccurate.

Respect the need or desire you are feeling to look to the future; you need to fully consider possible consequences.

Take the high road in this conflict/confrontation.

Take credit for this, you deserve it.

Your overview of the situation is acute right now. Share it.

This is a very good start. Keep up the active effort.

* * * *

Resource: 78 Notes to Self: A Tarot Journal, a tremendously resourceful and helpful blog.

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep taking the high road and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****


Monday, August 07, 2006


TODAY'S CARD is The Four of Cups. This version is from The Hollywood Tarot:

For comparison, here's The Four of Cups in the Rider/ Waite/ Smith deck:

THE FOUR OF CUPS: Back in the years when I'd occasionally seek a Tarot reading from a fellow professional, this card inevitably showed up. Equally inevitably it was suggested (and sometimes rather sternly) by the reader that I needed to stop thinking and start doing. Now this was certainly true for me back then. But even more true was that there were deep-seated reasons (blocks, fears, misunderstandings, etc.) for my lack of action. And unless I'd question this level of "why," it was not addressed by the reader.* What I'm getting at here is that in my experience this card can have a level to it that lies just beyond the more apparent or obvious sense of the card within the reading. An important and delicate level. That cup being offered in the Rider/ Waite/ Smith version can bear a gift, if one can quiet one's knowing mind and let it in.

DIFFERENT OR LESS COMMON, EVEN QUIRKY MEANINGS FOR THE FOUR OF CUPS (i.e. the below is not intended to be an exhaustive exploration of this card; a quick google will produce a wider variety of takes should you not be familiar with this card):

Don't take on anything new just yet.

Exhausted by doing it all by one's self, but unwilling to ask for or accept help.

Some news may almost literally knock you off your feet. Spend some time thinking about it before taking any action.

Are you holding on to how things are? Resisting change?

Don't do anything that does not feel totally right during this time of change, i.e., not a time to take risks.

You may soon be dealing with yet another emotionally laden issue.

A wish you may unconsciously want to remain just a wish. The work to ultimately achieve it is more than what you are truly willing and/or able to undertake.

What you believe you tend to manifest.

"Thank the Deities I don't have to do that!"

The last bit of a major change is almost in place. Rest in preparation and be patient.

Are you afraid of going overboard if you allow this gift into your life?

* * * *

* A little advice from someone who's been both reader and querant. Make it clear before you start reading for someone whether or not you invite questions as the reading goes along, or if you want the querant to wait to be asked for questions, or if you even invite questions at all. It can be very counterproductive for a querant, especially in the heightened atmosphere of a reading, to feel her/his questions are unwelcome or that they are interrupting the "flow" of the reader's insights.

Resource: How To Read A Querant's Non-Verbal Behavior. This article is by Elinor Greenberg, Ph.D., who is a psychotherapist, writer, and tarot reader. [My apologies for previously crediting this article to the wrong author -- but fortunately to the correct web site, which site I highly recommend. I've upped my already super-cautious and repetitive proofreading.]

Please see the top of the sidebar for my background with the Tarot and a recommendation to beginners.

‘til next time, keep being open to other levels, and enjoying The Tarot,


[aka: Patricia Kelly]

****If you wish to copy or use any of my writing, please email me for permission (under “View my complete profile”)**** SEE ALSO: Roswila’s Dream & Poetry Realm for some articles about Tarot.****
